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Kotlin Weekly #-422!

Kotlin Developer Survey #3 ( Folks at JetBrains are running the Kotlin Developer Survey #3. Considering answering it, you have the chance of directly influencing the development of Kotlin - and collaterally, earning some prices.

KMMBridge 1.0 Release ( Touchlab folks have released KMMBridge 1.0, a tool that helps you publish iOS XCFramework binaries from Kotlin Mutliplatform.

[SPONSORED] Product for Engineers - A newsletter helping developers flex their product muscles ( Product for Engineers is PostHog’s newsletter dedicated to helping engineers improve their product skills. It features curated advice on building great products, lessons (and mistakes) from building PostHog, and research into the practices of top startups.

Kotlin Flow to Swift Combine: A KMP Bridge. Part I ( Volodymyr Voiko, from Snapp Mobile, has been experimenting lately with Kotlin Multiplatform. He is sharing how to bridge Flows and Swift Combine.

Sending Spring Boot Metrics to Datadog ( Piotr Wolak published a step-by-step guide on how to implement and configure a Spring Boot application to send metrics to Datadog.

Using Native iOS Navigation from Compose Multiplatform ( Check this article to learn how to use native iOS Navigation using KMP objc interop for UiKit and combining it with voyager for a seamless navigation experience.

Track and Analyze GitHub Star Growth With Kandy and Kotlin DataFrame ( Analyze GitHub star history using Kotlin DataFrame for data processing and Kandy for visualizations to explore repository popularity trends.

Impress Your iOS Teammates by Writing Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries ( Andre Oriani, Principal Software Engineer at Walmart, talks at the Droidcon Italy about some of the tricks he learnt while using Kotlin Multiplatform.

Introducing the Devoxx Genie AI Plugin for IntelliJ ( Duncan McGregor has mixed feelings about AI tools in software development. He explores, however, a new AI Plugin for IntelliJ.

Composition over Inheritance: A Practical Guide ( This video talks about Inheritance and Composition, with practical examples from real projects to see how Composition helps us to have a more flexible and reusable codebase.


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Thanks to JetBrains for their support!


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